

Friday 12 January 2007

A soliloquy

We are old now, and in
These golden years, fears end ,
Gone the intimacies of our youth,
plucked from our hearts.

Whilst we were waiting
for the main event to start,

With the passing of time,are those
Imprinted impressions repressed

By times passing haunt us;envelopes all
Like the mist rolling in from, the
Moors of misfortune around us ,
within us, and without…sides

Age like memories;old or renewed
are with us for the rest of our life,
Having loved lost or listened ,
where bye some will have,
Never loved at all, and
In reminiscing ,regrets
we forget sometimes

Along with hopes ambitions
we now cherish all the tomorrows
The day after their passing,
for as each new one begins we,
Who are still thinking can remember ,
Those that we want to,
These days seem to be full of thoughts,
sought to bring back.

Those days when the sun shone ,
All day .
Now the extra warmth would be
Accepted ,
For the lonely are colder
than those laid out graves.

Those memories we all have
waking night mares, when
Chills run down backs,
our vertibraic stairs;glass eyed glares

Transfixed, like cods on a slab ,
voices long dead, again
We refrain from turning our heads,
For fear of seeing our friends all in black,

So each night afore we sleep and eyes
mouth shut :doze velarize clucking
Comfy chair vacant stare:conteplating
Evening paper:looking choocking

For the births lasts epitaphs
or who has just took on
Been taken , wrote by those forsaken,
Will we see our names there…….. .

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